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Modern mums – juggling work life balance

‘Juggling with glass and rubber balls’ -an analogy worth treasuring, used by one of the course co-ordinators while giving us lesson on self-commitment and motivation to pursue a PhD degree.

Crossing the boundary of home, women are now a common figure in almost every sector of workplace. Global organisations are busy inducing the importance of ‘gender equality’ and ‘women empowerment’. Today’s women are, therefore, much more committed not only to restore their self-esteem but also to set examples for the generations to come. However, this has not compromised the expectation and responsibilities of women from their households rather have soared in several instances. Albeit a multi-tasker mum knows, how hurdles can emerge out of the blue to make her day more onerous. The more planned and organised a day she begins, life seems to be even more demanding. Should we quit then?

There lies the wise selection of glass and rubber balls. Labelling the tasks or commitments as rubber or glass would let you set priority and the agility to let go. After all, it was your choice to jump over the wall!

Following are a handful of tips; choose a set that suits your particular situation:

  1. Make a To-do list based on priority.
  2. A further priority list of your nurtured values can be helpful in judging what you want from life
  3. Do not fall in the trap of procrastinations.
  4. Work smarter, not harder.
  5. Focus on your ability. Drop activities that sap your time or energy.
  6. Do not stress out for perfection.
  7. Practice saying ‘no’. Shut the door of work at work.
  8. Build downtime that can recharge you either through relaxation or spending time with family and friends.
  9. Outsourcing your errands or household chores can save you some breath.
  10. Set your own rules

Life is the best gift from God. Live life to the fullest along with your aspirations.

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