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Personal Transformation

A caterpillar does not transform into a butterfly by random chance; it experiences several steps in its metamorphosis shifting from its dark cocoon, embracing its wings, and changes its avatar. Similarly, your personal transformation does not happen through random acts. It happens by following a meticulous process for you to become an improved version of yourself. The four important steps to be followed in this process are as self-awareness, seeking guidance, shifting your beliefs and taking action.

The great solution to all human problems is individual inner transformation – Vernon Howard


Every transformation big or small begins with an awareness of the self. It is to focus inwards and to be aware of your own self well enough to know you that you are in a situation that needs attention. Realizing the fact, that there is a gap between where you are and where you want to be is the first step for personal transformation.

Seeking Guidance

To be able to initiate and assist you through the process of personal transformation you need the guidance and mentoring. Asking for help and seeking guidance to become who you want to be is a wise step. You can choose from various resources like books, mentors and professional coaches who will motivate and empower you to reach you unlimited goal.

Shifting your beliefs

What are your beliefs? Are you holding any negative or limiting beliefs that are disempowering you from taking the massive actions needed to create positive results? Here is what happens, this strong limiting belief will withhold you and control you from moving forward. Both the right belief and the right action are the key elements necessary to achieve the right results.

Taking action

ACTION is THE KEY to SUCCESS. Taking conscious and massive action to create your positive transformation is the crucial step. No amount of self-awareness or changing your limiting beliefs will create progress unless you act. Don’t wait for conditions to be perfect for you to act because they will never be.

The way forward

Never mind where you are right now or what brought you to this situation, it is never too late to start the journey of personal transformation. Ask yourself these three questions:

  • What do you really want?
  • Why do you want that?
  • Why don’t you already have what you want?

If this message is striking a code, it means that you are ready to make the choice of making a positive difference for yourself. Make your personal transformation a priority. Personal transformations are an ongoing process and are paramount for continual growth and sustainable success.

Author – Uma Panch

Source –https://www.ibeyondbliss.com.au/

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